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Each fishing day is 24 hours continuous from 7.30pm each day.

All fish must be weighed on the fishing day of capture/entry by 7.30pm at Festival Weigh-in at Stations below on Festival Scales only, on the times posted.

Show your Entry Ticket either printed or on your mobile each time you weigh-in. Your fish will be weighed and recorded, you will receive a Fish Record Ticket, check the details are correct at the weigh-in station, keep the ticket.

Fish must be detailed after weighing unless being returned alive.

Fish may be retained for identification by the Committee.

Take your fish away with you, do not dispose of dead fish in the sea.

Salcombe Small Boat Festival – If SSBF coincides with TSAF, weigh-in slips will be accepted if submitted on weigh-in day by 7.30pm at Brixham SAC Breakwater Hut.

Fish can be weighed in at the following places and times.


LOCATION                                                                    CONTACT               TIMES



Dartmouth Angling & Boating Ass., 5 Oxford Street, Dartmouth, TQ6 9AL         07717 574 630               18:00 - 18:30


Brixham SAC Club Hut, Breakwater, Brixham                                                  01803 853930                19:00 - 19:30


Hookz, 6 Beacon Quay, Torquay, TQ1 2BG                                                      01803 297870             Monday


                                                                                                                                                    09:00 - 18:00


                                                                                                                                                    10:00 - 16:00

Torquay Harbour Weigh-in Hut by Hookz Tackle Shop                                                                        19:00 - 19:30



Salcombe Sea Anglers Club, Unit 1, Fish Quay, Gould Road carpark                   01548 842568               17:30 - 18:00


Please note the following:

  • Don't forget to weigh in your best fish !

  • In the interests of conservation the minimum size for all fish for seniors is set at 75% of the T.S.A.F. Specimen Weights. The minimum size for juniors is set at 50% of the T.S.A.F. Specimen Weights.

  • Please bring any mistake to the immediate attention of stewards or staff and ask them to rectify it.

  • The Festival Committee regrets that errors are difficult to rectify.


  • LOSS OF ENTRY TICKET - You are responsible for your ticket, keep it safe. However, if you lose it, go back to place of purchase and get the ticket number, take it to the weigh-in station and report it lost. Consult a Committee Member and you will be issued with another.

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Website designed by Steve Hadley

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All images and content @ copyright Torbay Sea Angling Festival

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