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Here's an overview of some of the popular recreational sea angling marks.

The area is blessed with a wide choice of fishing from both boat and shore.  Sheltered fishing can be found in most conditions.


The fish to be caught range over twenty or more species.  In the 2012 Torbay Sea Angling Festival, 134 specimen fish of 100% or over specimen weight were recorded by the many anglers who enjoyed this event.


Whatever your preferred fishing, it is catered for within the coastline stretching from Exmouth to Salcombe.


From shore you can choose to float fish, spin, or cast from the rocks or beach.  Shore marks are many and varied, offering a broad choice of fish including Mackerel, Garfish, Pollack, Plaice, Thornback Ray, Wrasse, Flounder, Conger and Bull Huss.  For the specialist, Mullet and Bass are the prime targets.


Afloat you have the best wreck fishing to be found anywhere.


Inshore marks include the "Skerries Banks", renowned for its Plaice fishing and Blonde Ray.  The British Record Blonde Ray was caught here on Sunday 30th April 2006 and weighed in at 39 lbs 10 ozs, exceeding the previous record for this species by 1 lb 1 oz.  If reef fishing is more to your liking, that is also available.


Boat enthusiasts can expect great sport from charter boats, or their own craft, with catches as diverse as Conger, Pollack, Cod, Ling, Pout and Bream from wrecks, and Bass, Plaice, Dab, Conger, Bull Huss, Wrasse, Bream, Blonde, Small Eyed, Spotted and Thornback Ray from inshore marks.


Whatever your choice, the fishing will be outstanding.


Bolt Head, Salcombe


This is the western limit for shore anglers.  Bolt head is a long walk, even for the sure footed.


Day: Wrasse Mackerel, Garfish and Pollack.

Night:  Dogfish, Bull Huss, and Ray.




Bolt Head - Salcombe









Starehole Bay, on West side of
Entrance to Salcombe Harbour

Photo courtesy of Mike Millman







Salcombe Harbour


Too many marks to list!  Favourite places to fish include:


East Portlemouth-Where the British Shore Record Thornback Ray of 22lbs 11ozs 10 drms was caught by Mike Johnson in 2008 and Snape Point.

Day:  Thornback Ray, Plaice, Wrasse, Pollack, Coalfish, Gilthead Bream, Mullet, and Flounder.

Night:  Ray, Sole and Plaice.






East Portlemouth Beach, looking across
Harbour towards Salcombe









Kingsbridge Estuary

A sheltered estuary (actually it's really an inlet which runs off the main body of Salcombe Harbour) with a reputation for quality fish.

Thornback well into double figures, Small Eyed Ray, Plaice, Dabs, Flounder, Wrasse, and Pollack all make an appearance.




The Kingsbridge Estuary
pictured from above the
Pumping Station Beach

Photo courtesy of Mike Millman








The most southerly point on the coastline of Devon.  Many marks are quite easy to get to, though you will have a steep climb on your return!

Day:  Wrasse, Mackerel, Garfish, Pollack and Bass.

Night:  Ray, Conger, Bull Huss and Rockling.




Looking back towards Prawle Point
Devon's most southerly landfall

Start Point

Start Point is one of the most exposed peninsulas on the English Coast, running sharply almost a mile into the sea on the South side of Start Bay, to the west of Dartmouth. The Lighthouse, sited at the very end of the headland, has guided vessels in passage along the English Channel for over 150 years.

Fish the gullies for Bass and Wrasse.  Live Sandeel and Live Prawn for Bass and Pollack.  Peeler or Hardback Crab for the better Wrasse.  Early morning or evening best time for Bass.






Start Point and Lighthouse



South Hams Beaches

These beaches frame the shoreline of Start Bay, a short distance to the west of Dartmouth.  Easy Parking and fishing.  Prime beach locations are Slapton, Hallsands and Beesands, about 9 miles West of Dartmouth.

South Hams District Council enforce car parking charges by "Pay and Display" at Slapton, even if you hold a "Disabled" badge.

Day:  Dabs, Plaice, Mackerel, Garfish and Bass.

Night:  Dogfish, Pout, Whiting and Bass.


Slapton Beach

Photo courtesy of Mike Concannon














Photo courtesy of Mike Concannon
















South Hallsands
where the houses collapsed
into the sea during a
raging storm

Blackpool Sands


A private beach.  about 4 miles west of Dartmouth, near the village of Stoke Fleming.  Plenty of parking available.  Busy during the day.  Fish evenings either end for  LSDs, Dabs, and Bass.  Float fish for Mackerel and Garfish.  Please observe notices.






View down to Blackpool Sands












Matthew's Point, Blackpool Sands
looking West

Photo courtesy of Mike Concannon



Dart Estuary


There are many productive marks scattered throughout the Dart, from the outer entrance on both the Kingswear and Dartmouth banks of the River, right up to Totnes.

Day:  Ray, Mullet and Wrasse.

Night:  Rockling, Ray and Dogfish.





Anglers fishing from the South Embankment
Dartmouth Town

Photo courtesy of Mike Concannon










Compass Point

On the western entrance to the River Dart.  A long walk.  Rocky ground, mostly Wrasse.  Float fish for Mackerel and Garfish.


Dartmouth Castle, Castle Cove


Rocky ground, mostly Wrasse.  Float fish for Mackerel and Garfish.





Dartmouth Castle

Photo courtesy of Mike Concannon











Castle Cove, Dartmouth

Photo courtesy of Mike Concannon


Outer Froward Point


The outer landfall to the east of the entrance to the River Dart.  A very long hard steep walk. Rocky ground, mostly Wrasse.  Float fish for Mackerel and Garfish.  Ledger at night for Bull Huss and Rockling.




Outer Froward Point


Battery Point


A rocky mark at the eastern entrance of the River Dart.  Fish into deep kelp filled gullies for Wrasse.  Fish to specimen size a possibility here.  Float fish for Bass, Mackerel and Garfish.  Baits - Hardback Crab, Peeler Crab, Live Prawn, and Ragworm.


Scabbacombe Area


Just west of Brixham, on the way to Dartmouth.  A long walk along cliff paths, with a steep part at the end.

Day:  Pollack, Wrasse and Mackerel.

Night:  Rockling, Ray and Dogfish.





View from Scabbacombe Point

Berry Head

A favourite mark.  Access to the Quarry is on foot only, unless you have a "Disabled" badge displayed on your vehicle.  A parking fee must be paid in the car park at the top.

Day:  Mackerel, Garfish and Scad.

Night:  Scad, Mackerel, Conger, Rockling, Codling, Whiting.


Berry Head Quarry


Access to this old quarry is by foot only.  Steep walk back.  Float fishing excellent for Mackerel, Garfish, and occasional Pollack.  Mullet fishing also productive.  Fish from the quay wall or the flat rock ledges to the far right.  Casting will produce Dabs and a few odd species; after dark, Whiting and Pout.  It is possible to fish the front of Berry Head, but it would be advisable to go with an angler that knows the area well.  Baits for ledgering, Peeler Crab, Lug and Ragworm.







Berry Head, Brixham
Aerial View












Berry Head, Brixham





Brixham Breakwater


Although the Fish Quay, Oil Jetty, enclosed Harbour and Marina are "Out of bounds" for shore anglers in the Torbay Festival, Brixham Breakwater is one of the easiest and largest local marks to fish.

This half mile long breakwater guarding Brixham is excellent for float fishing along most of its length, but the top area is on the end, by the lighthouse.  Fish inside or outside from the middle to the end for Mackerel and Garfish and the occasional Pollack and Scad.

Pot markers might be a problem.  Bass and Conger caught near the old fuelling jetty late evenings and early mornings.  Mullet fishing is excellent from the inside, opposite the "paint" floats.  Please do not obstruct the RNLI Torbay Lifeboat fairway.

Day:  Mackerel, Mullet, Garfish, Dab, LS Dogfish, Wrasse, and Pollack.

Night:  Conger, Rockling and LS Dogfish.







Outer end of
Brixham Breakwater

Photo courtesy of Mike Concannon









Early morning anglers
on Brixham Breakwater

Photo courtesy of Mike Concannon






Torbay, between Brixham and Torquay


Many marks with easy access.  Fishing similar to Brixham.  Local harbours at Brixham and Torbay enforce their own "No Fishing" policy for shore anglers.  Access to fish from shore into Brixham Harbour from the Breakwater is AOK.  No fishing into Paignton Harbour.  Anglers fish from their own boats in both venues, though fishing on foot from any pontoons is forbidden.


Torquay Harbours and Piers

Please observe notices.  There are a few restricted areas.  Princess Pier, the stone arm, approached from the Princes Theatre, is popular for float fishing for Mackerel and Garfish.  Early mornings and evenings best.

Haldon Pier is not so popular.  Pollack sometimes caught.  Excellent Mullet fishing but areas to fish are restricted.


Torquay Harbour


MOST FISHING IS BANNED IN TORQUAY HARBOUR FOR THIS YEAR'S TORBAY FESTIVAL. However, special permission has been given to competitors of this years Festival that they may fish in the Banjo area of Torquay outer harbour for Mullet only and only with certain restrictions applying:

1) Fishing midnight to 9.00am only.
2) No overhead casting.
3) Split shot weights only.
4) No mess please.
5) You must carry your Festival Entry form with you as you might be asked to show it. If you don't have it you will be asked to leave.


Paignton Harbour


Competitors may NOT fish into the Harbour during the Festival.  They will not be permitted to fish from any pontoons, steps, or slipways within the harbour.  They will not be permitted to cast feathers or other heavily weighted fishing tackle.  Competitors are kindly reminded to exercise due care when fishing and respect must be given to passing vessels and other members of the public using the Harbour.

Brixham Harbour 


Competitors are not allowed to fish within any part of the enclosed Harbour.


Hope's Nose & Sandy Point


As you walk down the slope to Hope's Nose, Sandy Point is to the right side and Hope's Nose to the left.

The fishing at Sandy Point is not as the name sounds.  It must have been named by a tackle dealer!  It is mainly rock, although Hope's Nose has a sandy bottom.

Day:  Mackerel, Garfish, Wrasse, Mullet, Plaice, Dab, LS Dogfish, Bass, and even an occasional Smoothound.

Night:  Conger, Whiting, Codling, Rockling and LS Dogfish.







Hope's Nose, Torquay

Photo courtesy of Mike Millman




Meadfoot Beach and Thunder Hole


The rocks off the slipway, the middle of the road, and the small car park slipway produce Bass when conditions are right.  Use live Sandeel, Peeler Crab, or spin with Rapalas or other lures.

Thunder Hole is located at the end of Meadfoot Promenade.  Climb over the rocks.  Mostly float fishing for Mackerel and garfish.


Babbacombe Pier


Located at the bottom of one of the steepest hills in this area.  Fortunately, you may drive down to it.

Day:  Mackerel, Garfish, and Scad.

Night:  Conger, Codling, Mackerel and Whiting.






Looking down from Cliffs
towards Babbacombe Pier

Photo courtesy of Ted Tuckerman



River Teign


Regarded as the prime Flounder River.  September is not a top month, but reasonable sized Flounder can be caught.  Top marks include Back Beach, Loxton Steps, Red Rocks, Gasworks, Flow Point, Charlie's, and Coombe Cellars.

You are only allowed to cross the railway line which follows the east bank of the River Teign in permitted places.

Float fish for Mackerel and Garfish from the beach in the estuary.

Fishing is not permitted from Dock property or Shaldon Bridge.

Day: Flounder and Mullet.






Angler on River Teign

Photo courtesy of Mike Millman





River Exe


Popular spots include Starcross, the Lock, Green Buoy and Lympstone.

Day: Flounder and Mullet.


Exmouth Beach


A sandy beach with a lot of tidal flow.

Day: Plaice, Flounder and Bass.


Boat Fishing


There are many varied and productive fishing marks both in-shore and off-shore available to anglers aboard charter boats or their own private small craft out of our local Ports.



If you want to find your own off-shore wreck marks, take a look at this web site, created primarily for diving enthusiasts, which lists many favoured wrecks holding huge, Conger, Pollack, Cod and Bass. It is a subscription site but the information it holds is worth it.







Start Bay


Home of the famous "Skerries" Banks off Dartmouth.  Renowned for their quality Plaice and Rays which are regularly caught by Boat Anglers.

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Website designed by Steve Hadley

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All images and content @ copyright Torbay Sea Angling Festival

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